My Dear Cold-Blooded King (Webtoons)


Image result for my dear cold blooded king
My Dear Cold-Blooded King is one of those can’t stop reading stories, it has become one of my favorite and I’m happy to share this gem with all of you. Every page captivates you and draws you in and make you want to read more. Their is plenty of mystery, suspense, drama, action, and romance. The story-line is well put together, and it is designed like a big puzzle piece making you put everything together.

This was the first advertisement of Webtoons I saw that drew me in and captivated me with the artwork and color display that made me interested in Webtoons. The creator of this Webtoon series is a comic artist named Lifelight. If Webtoons offers an award she should definitely get one with her exceptional work, The characters are all beautifully drawn and the detail to the background is flawless. The color palette of each chapter is amazing. I never been so stunned and excited to read a Webtoon, even the music in the background correlates to each chapter making you feel the intense emotion of the chapter.
Image result for My Dear Cold-Blooded King
The story centralizes around Kihara Mei who was a mere merchant who lived a simple life, until one day that all changed for her. Mei came across a gentleman in need who was being chased down by assassins and was badly poisoned. Mei fought off the attackers to help the man in need. She used her knowledge in Medicine to save him, Mei unknowingly helped the man and he turned out to be the Blood King’s brother Prince Osamu. Mei was recognized by the king and was chosen to be his court physician. The Blood King is known to be a ruthless, and relentless individual who has no emotions. Mei goes through many trials and tribulations while working under the Blood King. Mei soon discovers that her brother served the Blood King and began searching for the truth behind the disappearance of her brother and also learning the secrets of the Blood King.


5 thoughts on “My Dear Cold-Blooded King (Webtoons)

  1. That trailer looks very cool and made me kind of interested in the story and characters. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and the trailer.

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