Adventures in the City: Brooklyn Comic Con 2024

The team and I had the opportunity to attend Brooklyn Comic Con. One of the first things that stood out was how spacious the show floor was. It was so well organized that even in high-traffic areas like the Expo Hall and Artist Alley, there was plenty of elbow room.
Since we’re on the topic of Expo Hall and Artist Alley, there were a lot of talented vendors. They were selling a variety of items, including fan art, comic books, and clothing. I particularly liked some of the more unique items we found, like these hand-crafted ashtrays or mugs plastered with anime images and other unique items.
Brooklyn Comic Con Activities
There were live wrestling matches. Not really my cup of tea but however, I had a fun time. Word on digital streets mentioned an art installation. This was one of the activities that we missed, and I’m sure I would have loved it. I feel like no con is complete without a gaming area. Brooklyn Comic Con rose to the occasion with both tournaments and casual play.
When going to cons, finding food can sometimes be a hassle, so bringing food trucks on the premises for our convenience was very much appreciated.
Can we talk we talk about cosplay? Because The cosplay community really showed the fuck out! The number of cosplayers at cons have seemed to dwindle over the years. but going to Bkcc, you’d never be able to tell. We love to see it. Some of my favorites were the X-Men ones.
Cosplay Community Initiative
Brooklyn Comic Con incorporates the cosplay community into their events by highlighting them as guests or special attendees. Or by simply making them feel like they are part of the show. One of the biggest ways they do that is with the Cosplay Runway. The Cosplay Runway is an event where all cosplayers are welcome to strut their stuff along a red carpet. Not only does it make for a great photo opt but gives everyone a moment to feel special.
Another cool perk of going to conventions is getting a chance to meet special guests. Maybe get a photo, a signature, or a face-to-face conversation. And sometimes, unexpected guest they pop in at panels.

On Sunday, we attended the MMPR Reunion Panel. A Q&A Session Moderated by: Nadya Martinez. Featuring Walter Jones (MMPR Black Rangers), Carla Perez (Rita Repulsa), and Blake Foster (Blue Turbo Ranger). We also sat in on Behind The Scenes: Pop-Culture Journalist (Panel) Also Moderated By: Nadya Martinez. Starring Valerie Complex, Karama Horne, Rachel Leishman, Kristen Maldonado, Tatiana King, Ben Ha Meen and Michael Reyes. As media professionals, these are the types of conversations we love.
Last thought on BKCC
BKCC would really benefit from having more activities. There wasn’t much to do! I was a little disappointed but not enough to ruin the overall experience. It’s honestly more of a gripe than an actual issue. All in all, I had a great time at Brooklyn Comic Con. I would recommend checking out future events. Shout out to the Sexy Nerds for allowing us to attend.
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