Soulcial Sunday – Spotify Playlist Week 6


These past two weeks have been a real one for us pumping out everything as fast as we can and having to work our 9 to 5 and I’m happy we’ve got almost everything out. There’s still more content needed to be edited and published which we’ll get to finish all this week.

We’ve been prepping for other cons we want to hit throughout the year and the next one we hope to hit is Women In Comics Con on June 30th at The Brooklyn Public Library on Grand Army Plaza in Brooklyn, NY. We went to one of the WINC events when it was held in Harlem and we had fun and spent money on merchandise created by people of color. If you’re interested the tickets are free and it’s always something to do at this convention between panels and meeting people.
All of our AnimeNEXT posts have been put together in such a short time that we hope you enjoyed our coverage of AnimeNEXT, listed below is all of our AnimeNEXT 2018 posts.

Now on to our bi-weekly is up and we’ve been obsessing over the new releases as well as some older music and hopefully, we’re putting you on to your new favorite artist!

SDE Music Playlist Week 6

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