We’re back from our long weekend at Liberty City Anime Con in Times Square. It was so much fun this year around that we got to actually go to more events and panels this time. We have a lot to put up this week so look out for our new posts, videos and photos from this past weekend. This year was much better than last and I’m happy to see LCAC stepping up their game this time.

Next year dates are already set for August 17 – 19, 2018. The live concerts this year were just as great as they were the year before, hopefully a new lineup of events so we can get more variety at this con next time around.
Once again we will have new content coming this week and we’ll be sure to let you guys know. Thank You for supporting us and helping us get this far.

Dream Fearlessly, Live Extraordinary

Here’s a few post from last years Liberty City Anime Con:

Overview of Liberty City Anime Con

Psyche Corporation: Liberty City Ani Con

2une Performance at Liberty City Anime Con 

The Asterplace at Liberty City Anime Con

ReniReni: Liberty City Anime Con.

J-Pop Meets Jazz: Meet Patrick Bartley Jr.


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