Join Us At Liberty City Anime Convention 2017


Liberty City Anime Con Logo

This weekend August 18th – 20th is Liberty City Anime Con 2017. Third year running as New York City’s largest anime convention located in the heart of NYC Times Square Marriott Hotel. Last year we attended LCAC 2016 for the first time and it did have its ups and downs but it was a really fun experience with meeting new people and the awesome dealers selling their merchandise.
Last year all we really did was attend the concerts because most of the panels we wanted to check out were cancelled or no shows, hopefully with this years full schedule there will be less cancellations. We were fortunate enough to interview Patrick Bartley Jr. from J-MUSIC Ensemble. Hopefully this year we can get a few more interviews and more content since this year should be bigger and better than last.
We have our passes and hope you and your friends got yours if not you can purchase your tickets here. For those who already purchased their tickets remember badge pickup starts at 10AM on Friday and Thursday 5PM – 7PM for those who did early registration. We look forward to meeting some of you that are going to be at Liberty City Anime Con just let us know on our twitter if you want to meet up with us.

Here’s a few post we did about last years Liberty City Anime Con:

Photos from last year

J-MUSIC Ensemble
Psyche Corporation
Liberty City Cosplayers
The Asterplace

0 thoughts on “Join Us At Liberty City Anime Convention 2017

    1. There’s always next year! Do you think you’ll make it for the new anime con in November? Since they’re bringing back the anime festival it would be good to see it when it comes back to the javits center.

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