Soulcial Sunday: Happy Holidays Everyone


We want to take the time out to wish everyone a Happy Holidays for this month and a few upcoming holidays people celebrate.

This time we got apart of the 12 Days of Anime and it’s been a challenge to keep up with but we’re doing it! This challenge has definitely given us some insight on how to think quick on our feet to create content. We’ve definitely been challenged this time around and were having so much fun participating.
We do plan to read a lot of the posts we haven’t gotten to read since the challenge started. We are behind reading a few of our faves and in the downtime, we have before the new year we plan to catch up on posts we missed.

2018 is almost over we have a week left. Let’s make the most of it!

This Bi-Weekly Spotify Playlist is going to be special to get you into the holiday spirit and celebration for the new year ahead of us.

SDE Holiday Playlist

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