This month has breezed right by and 2019 is moving so fast that we all have to play the catch up game. This is the last day of March the month for celebration women’s history. There has been so many inspirational women in history that make us proud to be women on the go.

Never stop moving towards your goals. Dreamers become Goal Getters and that never changes. Be sure to be efficient with with your time and process towards completing you goals and crossing that finishline. No matter how big or little the goal is tackle it! Making a plan for your bigger goals reduces the stresses that come with it.

Self-care is very important don’t forget to take care of yourself and make sure you’re making the effort to give yourself breaks. Working on yourself is a marathon and it isn’t an easy feat. Make sure you take of you like you take care of others.

We put together this playlist for Women’s History Month. Featuring all the women who have inspired us through their music to explore ourselves and get out of our comfort zones.

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