Happy Independence Day to America.

This coming week We’re going to be talking about some of the E3 trailers that came out a few weeks ago for a few games we have interest in.

Also wanted to say this year’s NYCC ticketing adventure was a disaster for many and worked out for some. We got our tickets but once again it was horrifying to wait in that ridiculous queue. I forgot what we did before the queue even started and now with the verification profile it’s getting harder and harder to get a ticket each year. They are trying to stop scalpers but it’s also becoming more work for the people that really want to go each year. Hopefully we can go next year without the extra steps to getting a ticket.
We’ll be at Liberty Con in August and the NYCC in October. We’re going to bring content from both conventions and upload them over the weekend of these conventions.

In case you missed it:
Movie: Central Intelligence
Yaoi Appreciation: Drug & Drop (Legal Drug)
Hana Kimi 花ざかりの君たちへ

Dream Fearlessly with Never Ending Possibilities.


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