We are half way through July summer days are going by so fast it’s becoming hard to enjoy them like we should. These last couple of days have been really depressing and hard for many to get through. We wish you all well and hope you’re getting through it the best way you can.

Self care is important please practice it often as needed. 

You may have saw these videos already but here’s a few inspirational advice from Dwayne Johnson himself for the Forbes Takeover. Hopefully this can put everyone in good spirits to feel great about accomplishing their dreams.

In case you missed it:

SDE Spotlight:E3 Trailer of Detroit: Become Human
SDE spotlight: E3 Trailer of Horizon Zero Dawn
SDE spotlight: E3 Trailer of Watch_Dogs 2
SDE spotlight: E3 Trailer of Telltale Games: The Walking Dead Season 3
Movie: Central Intelligence

Dream Fearlessly with Never Ending Possibilities.

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