Black History Month Spotlight: Princeless


Princeless created by Jeremy Whitley

DIG006552_1._SX360_QL80_TTD_I discovered Princeless at New York Comic Con 2015 and I sat in a panel where comic creators of Black or People of Color characters we’re discussing diversity in comics. I don’t have a really good memory of the panel but I did like many of the comics that I was introduced and Princeless was one of my favorite. I picked up the special preview books that we’re at the booth. The comic was published in 2011 and as of now Princeless has 4 volumes, a short stories comic and a spin off called Princeless- Raven: The Pirate Princess.

In the previews you get a short introduction to a lot of characters which made me want to read more because each was so unique and funny in their on way. The characters are strong willed warriors that have great imaginations, quick on their feet wit that can save themselves from danger and cherry on top is there are dragons. Princeless is perfect for young kids coming of age it has great qualities to teach young kids about being yourself and being proud of it at least that what I got from it. I really enjoyed this comic and I wish nothing but success for the creator Jeremy Whitley.

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