4 Nerdcentric Music Videos to Kick It Too


It’s been a while since I’ve done a music video round-up or written about music for that matter. So it’s time for a celebration, because why the hell not. We’re stuck inside, so we might as well make the best of it.   

Here my list of 4 Nerdcentric Music Videos for you to kick it too. What I mean by Nerdcentric is simply nerd culture focused elements. Martial Arts, video games, anime, and all that apply. 

Let’s get right too it.

Artist: T.Bailey504 
Song: Commitment 
Released: 2019
Genre: Hip-Hop/Rap
For more from Tbailey504 and TeeJay Foy
Artist: White Hippy
Song: Nindo
Released: 2019
Artist: Alan Z
Song: Watch Your Mouth
Released: 2019
Genre: Hip-Hop/Rap
For more from Alan Z
Artist: Noveliss
Song: November
Released: 2019
Genre: Hip-Hop/Rap
For more from Noveliss 

| Noveliss’s Instagram| Noveliss’s Twitter |

So what you think? 4 Nerdcentric Music Videos to Kick It Too.  When you think of Nerdcentric Music Videos, what are some that come to mind?  Let me know in the comment section below. Sending love, light, and best wishes.

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