Happy Halloween Everyone!!
This Halloween season stay safe with everything going on safety is the most important, whenever you celebrate the holiday be sure to have fun.
November is our anniversary month for launching our website so we’re going to celebrate by getting a little more acquainted with you guys. We’ll be answering 15 random questions about ourselves throughout the month.

We’re hoping to start the conversation that will help all of us get to know each other better. You guys can also answer the questions in the comment section so we can also learn more about you.

Anime NYC is just 2 weeks away starting November 17th and we have our Weekend passes. This is Anime NYC first year and it’s been a couple of years since an Anime convention in NYC so seeing Anime NYC coming back really strong this time with a great lineup of guest and events. There are tickets still available for Anime NYC if you’re thinking of going.

Thank You all for supporting us these past few years we’ve been building SDE and bringing it to where it is now. We all are dreamers that became doers no matter how big or small the dream was we accomplished it. Thank You again for helping us keep our dream alive with all of your support. Like our motto Live Fearlessly, Dream Extraordinary, you have so much to offer and give don’t limit yourself and keep believing in yourself to get to where you want to be.

In Case You Missed It:

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