Soulcial Sunday – AnimeNEXT Convention


This past weekend we visited Castle Point Anime Convention for the first time in years and they have really come a long way from being on a college campus to an expo center.

We posted what we had on out Instagram and other social media accounts so check it out. In a week we’ll be at AnimeNEXT and we’re super excited it was so much fun last year so we have high expectations for this year. I believe the most exciting thing about this con is all the events happening and all the elbow room that The Atlantic City Convention Center offers is what other cons dream of!

The spacious AnimeNEXT gives you so many opportunities to sit in on every panel without worrying about the room being overcrowded, I can’t get over that this is probably the only big cons where you’re not rubbing shoulders just to get to the other side of the room. I will stop rambling on about possibly one of the most spacious conventions you can go to in the Tri-state area. AnimeNEXT guestlist this year is pretty impressive just as last year was and we’re excited to see all of them especially and the great performances that will be at this con.

We’re going to be putting our adventures in Atlantic City on all our social media platforms be sure to follow us so you don’t miss anything!

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This weeks playlist! We loved these songs for the past 2 weeks and we hope that were passing on some new music to you guys again, new music makes your playlist better.

SDE Music Playlist Week 4

6 thoughts on “Soulcial Sunday – AnimeNEXT Convention

    1. Liberty City Anime Convention is in August. Maybe that’s something you could slide into. We’re planning to attend this one as well

        1. No pressure just sharing knowledge. Lol There a few other events coming up before then that they may catch your interest. So you have options

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