Soulcial Sunday – Spotify Playlist Week 19

We got the chance to go to PlayNYC hosted by Playcrafting. The event was held in Manhattan which is a hop skip and jump away for us to get to. Lizzo wrote up a post about our visit to PlayNYC and here’s the link to her post. We’ve had a few busy weekends back to back and we’re trying to play the ultimate catch up with everything we want to get done before the year is over. 2019 is going by really fast we’re already in August so just like us don’t stop working on your end goal and be sure to add self-care to your routine.
We’ll be working hard on completing a few of our year goals over the next few months. We did decide it might be better to slow up on some cons through this year and we do miss going to all the cons we can and we’re hoping next year we can get back on track.
Every Sunday we stream on our Twitch Channel at 7:30 pm EST. We are some gamer girls trying to make more time in between what we’re doing to play more video games with all our adult responsibilities. Come check us out every Sunday same place same time.
This week’s Spotify Playlist doesn’t have a real theme but it’s a few of our favorites of the week and we wanted to share them with all of you. We have a few of our favorite upcoming artists as well as some artists we discovered at many cons we attended.
Shameless plug time!
We worked hard on creating these designs with some amazing artists and put them on shirts! Our apparel line LFDE is thriving and we hope to see one of you at a con with one of our shirts on. You can shop on our website right here. Below is just a few of our shirts Revolutionary Women Collection and our general tees.