Rescue Me is about a young woman named Sandra, who has a lot on her shoulders. Not only in dealing with her own issues but with issues brought on by those closes to her. An unexpected encounter with a dog turns out to be just what the Doctor ordered.


I want to try to keep this as spoilers free as possible but this story has bite. And what I mean by that, is you can tell that these things are coming from a real place.  This story felt raw, dark and overall serious.
I was able to empathize with Sandra, I’ve never experienced anything close to what she has and yet I felt it. This really says something about Morishita as an author and an illustrator. She can easily convey and make you feel what she wants you too. Persuasive as hell.


One of my favorite things about this series was the artwork.  It set the tone of story and accompanied it so well.  The use of tones and dark shades really enhanced the story that much more.
I like how there cheery moments and banter placed strategically in the stories to lessen some of the dark elements. It didn’t feel forced. I also like that there wasn’t a forced romantic relationship in the end as well.  In stories like these, that often happens.
The only real compliant I had, was that the resolution at the end felt abrupt.  I’m not really sure you can call it a resolution because it was more like a new start. Thinking about it now, maybe that was the point but it still felt short. That didn’t sit too well with me.


All in all,  this was an interesting story.  The characters are likable.  The story is well written and the illustrations are on point.  If you’re looking for a quick read, with some diverse character this a web comic that you definitely want to check out.

Plus it’s free to read on her website.


Are you going to check out Rescue me? If so, what did you think?  Do you read web comics? What are some of your favorites?  I’m interesting in checking some one out.  As per usual, let me know in the comment section below.

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