Nominated for Real Neat Blog Award


Image result for one neat blog awardRules:

  • Display the award logo 
  • Thank the blogger who nominated you and post a link to their blog 
  • Answer the questions of the one who nominated you
  • Nominate 5-10 bloggers.
  • Ask them 7 questions

While I was on my little hiatus, I was nominated for the Real Neat blog award.  This time by Irina of I drink and watch anime   Irina, Thank you so much.  I am moved and confused at the same time but I appreciate the gesture all the same.   Your blog is really cool and I enjoy reading your posts. Your quirkiness is always appreciated.  For those of you who aren’t following Irina, you’re missing out.  So hop on it a.s.a.p.

Irina Questions (between I used an online raffle selector)

1) When did you screw everything up, but no one ever found out it was you?
I screw up all the time. One time, I was cooking ribs and the pan slipped off the oven door. The ribs fell out of the pan.  I washed them off with water and then finished baking them.  Added barbeque sauce and no one knew the difference.

2) What is the most outrageous thing you saw today?
The Black Panther movie has people all over the internet acting like fools. The most outrageous thing I saw today was probably strolling thru my twitter timeline. Some people are convinced that the word”Colonizer’ is a racial slur. LOL

3) It is swap day if you could swap lives with anyone who would it be?
This question is a disaster waiting to happen. My life is pretty chaotic and anyone I could think of switching with would be in an equally chaotic more so chaotic situation. I’d rather deal with my own demons. So I’ll pass on there scenario.

4) You woke up and you’re a thirty-foot giant (titan?) what can you see?
A huge river. A bridge and a beautiful city skyline.

5) Why is your favorite comfort food your comfort food?
I don’t really have comfort food. But one of my favorite foods, in general, is Pizza or French Fries.

6) The Armoured Titan from Attack on Titan has challenged you a tug-of-war contest. You can pick five helpers but they must fit the following criteria: They cannot be from Attack on Titan, and each must be from a different show (they don’t have to be anime characters). Who do you choose?

Off the top of my head. I go with Hulk, Cyborg, Stitch, Vegeta and Big O. Hulk can probably take out the titan all on his own but might as well go for the overkill.

7) What franchise – be it game, comic, animation, etc – do you think should have ended already, and which would you give another run in its place?

Detective Conan (Case Closed) has got to go. Conan has literally been 8 years for over 20 years. Enough is enough already. Don’t get me wrong. I enjoy the chunk of movies and seasons I watched but it’s at a point where you gotta let it go.

Nominee Questions

  1. What is your favorite thing about being part of the nerd community?
  2.  Name a movie you’re looking forward to and why?
  3. The Armoured Titan from Attack on Titan has challenged you a tug-of-war contest. You can pick five helpers but they must fit the following criteria: They cannot be from Attack on Titan, and each must be from a different show (they don’t have to be anime characters). Who do you choose?
  4. The zombie apocalypse is upon us. What is your weapon of choice?
  5. If you could meet any living person for a chat over a shared dinner, who would you pick and why?
  6. Pick something out of your pocket or bag and share with the contents with us.
  7.  If one day you woke up as a Superhero. What would your name be and why?


Valentino Senpai of Anikatsuki

Jamie of The Comic Vault

Krystallina of Daiya Manga

Nesha of the Anime Blog

yukinocake of  The Only Shinyuu Site

Drey  of SDE

That’s that. Thank you again for nominating me, Irina.  Many blessings in the current year. As as for my nominees, I await your responses. Until next time.  Deuces

5 thoughts on “Nominated for Real Neat Blog Award

  1. oh my, thanks for the mention — i guess im still relevant huh? its been more than half a year since i post my last blog post, and u made me wanna blog again. but sadly i dont have much time to do so, my schedule for the last couple of months. i even get the notification of this pingback right after you posted the post, but i didnt have time to write a thank you comment.

    anyway, thanks a lot; u just made my day. :’D

    1. No problem. Glad I could make your day. I havent been posted much lately either. But I’m planning on getting back in the swing of things at some point. Hope your doing good my friend

  2. Thank you for the nomination! Oh, man, that Armored Titan question is a tough one — and you already had some great names on the list! At least the zombie apocalypse question is a choice and not the first item to my left/right like it often is — otherwise, my weapons would be a TV remote and a manga!

    1. No problem. The Tv remote would definitely be a better choice then the manga. But then, a good on book slack could come in handy as a last resort.

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