Justice League SDCC Trailer
Behold a Justice League movie without Green Lantern! I’m disappointing that there is no GL in this movie, Specifically John Stewart is my favorite GL and I’m really curious to know who is actually going to play him in future DC films. I grew up on the Justice League animated series and that’s what I wanted to see. I swear if Hal Jordan is playing the GL in Justice League 2 I’m not watching it I’ll skip a movie. I hate Hal Jordan with a passion and I honestly don’t know the real reason for my hate.
There is a possibility that Tyrese Gibson I wrote all about it in here:
The Green Lantern (John Stewart) casting Tyrese Gibson.
I already Superman is going to be in this movie even if he’s not in the trailer. You can’t have the Justice League without Superman.
After watching this trailer because that’s what it is, I realized i’m lost because I didn’t see Batman v Superman yet and since this is all most likely in the same universe i’m slacking on my end with keeping up. The first scene looks like a funeral Batman and Wonder Woman attends. Spoilers for those in the same boat as me that didn’t see the movie either. The story is somehow Superman is fake dead and Batman did his thing but won’t know what happen until I see the movie which I will make it a priority to do soon.
Let’s jump into how Ben Affleck looks like a really good Batman. I hated Christian Bale’s voice when he played Batman in the Dark Knight series. His voice seem so forced like he was talking through a sore throat, it was really annoying to me and Batman is one of my favorite heroes from DC. I’m happy to see Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman because now I believe she was a good choice but honestly after seeing more full body photos and scenes of Gal I think Wonder Woman should of had a more muscular build being that she has super strength and all but Gal will do.

I see Ezra Miller is DCU’s Flash and I’m not mad at that the role I clearly remember him from was in Amy Schumer’s Trainwreck as the intern and I laughed at that scene because it was so stupid and comedy fits him too so I think he will do a great job as Flash. Ray Fisher as Cyborg is going to be a surprise I don’t doubt his skill at all in fact he’s super cute and i’m team #Borglife on this one! Ray doesn’t have much work on his Wikipedia page but being fresh faced and right into a big budget movie is a big move which means Ray got skills that i’m looking forward to seeing especially when the Cyborg film comes out in 2020 I see Ray doing big things after this movie hits theaters.
LISTEN! I’m a fan of Jason Momoa not only is he eye candy but he can act and deliver each character. I’m looking forward to how Aquaman plays out now that they cast a man of color to play a white male fictional character, I’m not sure if people are angry about this like they usually are but Jason fits Aquaman so I don’t see a reason to complain.