Favorite Anime Movies

A few months back, I published a post titled: Favorite Anime Directors. This list consisted of famed animation directors. As a follow-up, I compiled a list of my Favorite Anime Movies. These films are in no particular order because Top 5 or 10 for anything is too hard to narrow down, I just refuse to do that to myself.

First up, The Girl Who Leapt Through Time. Hands downs one of my favorite Anime films. The concept was interesting. I enjoyed the characters and their interaction with one another. The animation was also very pretty. It was coming of age tale, where the lead learned the hard way. When given the chance to fix her biggest mistake, she didn’t hesitate to do so. Makoto was really resilient.
The Girl Who Leapt Through Time (Trailer)
Up next, Tokyo Godfathers directed by the Late Great Satoshi Kon. This is another movie that I really loved. Probably the most lesser known of all the movies on this list. It’s a story about family, kindness and making best out any situations. The cast of characters is also unlike anything I ever saw before. Also, the Christmas theme is also a rarity in Anime. That in itself makes it worth watching.

Akira is a masterpiece. From concept, characters and World. The manga inspired storyboards really popped off-screen. The technology was so ahead of it’s a time which makes sense because the story takes in the future. Originally, I wasn’t going to add Akira because it felt like a cliche choice because of its pop culture influence but not having it on the list didn’t really feel right. Kanade Motorcycle and Jacket are really that awesome. LOL But yeah, I really loved this film.
Then we have Kiki’s Delivery Service, I mean what is an Anime list without at least one Studio Ghibli film. I could have easily filled this list with all Ghibli films. But I limited myself to one. But Kiki Delivery Service is another coming of age tale. With witches, magic and talking cats. So check it out if you haven’t.
Kiki’s Delivery Service (Trailer)

Paprika another film by the G.o.a.t (great of all time) Satoshi Kon. Think inception meets animation. And you have Paprika. Definitely, a must-see for any anime fan. The character designs are distinct. The choice of color evokes emotion. The animation was superb. Definitely an enjoyable ride.
So there is my list. Thanks again, for taking the time out of your day to read my post. So as usual, don’t forget to join the conversation below. Let me know what you think! Also, which other lists would you be interested in seeing?