As an anime fan, you learn to speak the language. And recognizing inconsistencies and common tropes is all part of the journey. After being suggested by a friend, I decided to dive a bit deeper into my expertise and discuss tropes that I can’t stand.

1. The Excessive Eating Trope

I feel like this an overlooked trope.  But aside from the fact, that it’s unrealistic it just seems plain silly.  There no way in hell someone Hinata size can eat 46 bowls of Ramen in one sitting.  No one Choji size can stomach 46 servings in one sitting.  I know there professional food eaters and gluttons in real life but this ridiculous.

2.  The Female Lead picking the Fuck boy over The Prince

With this one, where do I even begin? This has got to stop.   I get the concept of good girls like bad boys. And maybe, this is what the creators are playing off of.  But this shit toxic even if it reflects real life.  A lot of men and women make bad choices when picking significant others but how do we condone this.   Are we really disillusioned enough to think these choices are healthy?  It’s 2018, we have to do better.

3.  Bland male lead who gets all the girls. 

To sort of piggyback off of number 2, people make bad choices in real life. So if you want a logical explanation, you have one. But come on, this can’t be the life you want to highlight.  How can you get an interesting love story with a bland character? I mean how is dude even likable when a paper bag has more flavor.  It’s not even like he’s easy enough on the eyes to distract you from the truth.  He’s kind of just there. But all jokes aside, this concept is getting a bit played out. I’ve seen it done too many times for me not to point it out.

4.  Unnecessary Fan Service.

I feel like this one is going to rub a lot of people the wrong way. No put intended. What I mean by unnecessary fan service is fan service that in no way serves to push the story further or just comes out of nowhere.  I’m talking about panty shots, popping cleavage and other things that fall into this category. Awkward sexual situation happen in life but it’s to the point where directors are just throwing scenes in for the hell of it. It’s not funny, it’s creepy. Stop it!

5.  A monologue in between fights.

I don’t if this can be considered a trope but we’ve all seen it.  I’ve not an expert when it comes to fighting on anything but this doesn’t happen in real life. and if it did, the talking person would just end up getting dragged.  Other than, it just makes the episodes drag and looks silly. So this needs to stop.

These are my picks for annoying anime tropes. So what are some tropes that annoy you? Join the conversation, and let me know what you think below. 

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