Soulcial Sunday – NYCC & Week 13 Spotify Playlist
Last weekend was NYCC and AFNYCC (Anime Fest), So that’s 2 cons in one weekend and Alice was the braveheart to go to both from Thursday – Sunday. New York Comic Con wanted to bring back Anime Fest and they did. Lizzo and I only did 1 day at NYCC, we didn’t want to go for an extra day because we both felt like NYCC was becoming too commercial. We usually don’t always agree but that was one that we did and all three of us might not go to NYCC next year because it’s too expensive to buy single passes!
Alice has a few posts about NYCC and AFNYCC coming out this week, it felt like we took a week off last week but work and other things caught up with us because we’ve been putting in so much work with SDE other parts of our lives were getting jealous lol. We enjoy going to conventions to see and meet new people as well as hang with friends but NYCC will most likely not be on our list of cons next year because we do miss the weekend bundle pass and it’s much cheaper to hit the other cons that are just as fun.
Our next convention will be Anime NYC and we’ll be doing press coverage there and we’re super excited about it. Hopefully, Anime NYC fixed their security issues from last year but regardless I will be carrying a smaller camera bag just in case they haven’t. If you don’t remember last years’ Anime NYC or didn’t get the chance to go here’s last year’s Anime NYC Overview.
This is week 13 of our Spotify Playlist and as usual, we hope to be your music plug and introduce you to new artists and new favorite songs.