Soulcial Sunday – J1-Con & Spotify Playlist


This weekend was J1-Con at The Showboat Hotel in Atlantic City, New Jersey. We had a blast we got to see some familiar faces as well as meet new people. We have so much to work on and push out for the press coverage of this event. This was our first time at J1-Con and our first experience was great and the venue was so big it was the perfect size for a con. There is so much dedication and hard work put into this Con by the founder Jason Richardson.

We want to extend a very big Thank You to Jason Richardson and the J1-Con staff for this experience a great one. We enjoyed this weekend and the wonderful people we met was the added bonus. J1-Con is definitely a Con that needs to be on you Con list next year, it was great to see Philly’s #1 Con in person.

This is week 11 of our Bi-weekly Spotify Playlist and let us be your music plug take a listen to some of our favorite songs of the week.

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