We want to wish everyone a Happy New Year going into 2021.

What a heavy year this has been for all of us. We started 2020 thinking it was going to be just another year but with a whole pandemic happening right before our eyes. I bet we all didn’t think this would happen in our lifetime. Here in America, it’s been one hell of a year with the pandemic, job loss, and the government is our biggest issue of the year since everything started. It’s been a lot of gloom this year and we hope everyone has been taking care of their mental health during this time.

We’ve been keeping ourselves busy throughout 2020, we started a Podcast we co-host with our friend KickFlamez called Rhythm & Blerds Podcast. It’s been a fun experience trying new things and venturing into other forms of media. Honestly speaking we have been slacking on our blog throughout 2020 it was a real doozie for us since it was a never-ending question fest of what’s going to happen next. It did impact our blog posting schedule but we are getting right back on track with more content.

2020 was a time to take a break and think about a lot of things that we wanted to do and have to do. We hoped everyone is staying as safe as possibe so we can overcome this hard time but we will push through as we have always done. We want 2021 to be the year that you get back on track if 2020 made you lose your way. Don’t be hard on yourself for taking time off in 2020 it was a stressful year we are in a pandemic, don’t expect yourself to just push through like everything isn’t happening. Take it easy and move at your own pace until you get back into the race.

Alongside creating a podcast we also made a few more designs for our shop LFDE By SDE and plan on creating more original designs soon. We are going to release another collection on Friday 1/8/2021 to add to our site to be ordered. We appreciate everyone that supported us throughout 2020 through social media and purchasing from our shop. We reciprocate this support every chance we get we are very thankful.

If you haven’t been keeping up with us we have a Twitch channel where we stream games, movies, and anime. On Sundays at 7:30p EST, we stream games, and Wednesday at 10p EST we have a Watch Party where we watch animes and have fun. You can check out our Twitch Channel. This is our schedule for now as we get ourselves back into a routine.

As I try not to be too despairing in this post I really want to come across as genuine when I say that we are here for all of you as you’ve been here for us. Even with the little interactions of talking to us on social media, every interaction has helped during this time of limited social interactions and human contact. I sound like I’m repeating myself because I am and I want to express how unbelievably grateful we are to have support from everyone we’ve met.

I curated a playlist that emulates daily struggles that Black People across this world endure on a regular basis. As Black Women, our life experience is one that’s different from the rest. One way we deal with everything is through music. Black People have been creating music about the struggles of being Black. Throughout 2020 we saw the uprise of angry citizens as many Black People lost their lives to the police or by racist people that think they have the power to be judge, jury, and executioner. Black Lives Matter Movement did have a huge part of 2020 and it will continue to be a somber topic to talk about.

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