We want to wish you all a Happy New Year! We can’t even put into words how much your support means to us and how we have really pushed through the horror of 2016 together. We really want to thank all you from the bottom of our hearts for keeping us going on this vision we have, seeing people take interest in what we do makes us keep fighting to make this dream of our come true.
We wish nothing but blessings to you and your family, may you all be blessed mentally, physically and financially throughout the year. As we continue to keep our positive vibes we hope all of you are following your dreams and working on what makes you happy. We only have one life to live so let’s Dream Fearlessly,Live Extraordinary.

Our YouTube channel relaunched today, so if you haven’t subscribed please do so. The channel trailer is posted above, so check it out and let us know what you think?
We have so much we want to get done in 2017 that nothing is stopping us from making it happen, that is what makes this new year more exciting than the last. Our focus is to build on top of what we accomplished in 2016. This year is looking very promising for SDE and we will stay in high spirits knowing that we have all of you to share this journey with.

We can’t forget the opportunities that 2016 has given us. We’ve gotten to interview some amazing people, went to conventions where we met awesome people. 2016 was such an adventure that we could relieve it over, 2017 will be more adventurous together.

The Photography page will always be updated when we go out on adventures.

We wish you all a happy and safe new year and many blessings.

Dream Fearlessly, Live Extraordinary

–  SDE Team

A quick reflection on some of our favorite posts of 2016.



Music Spotlight

Anime Conventions



Yaoi Appreciation

Video Games


Asian Dramas


30 Day Anime Challenge



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