This past weekend was AnimeNEXT many of you have heard of this conventions, it’s been around for well over 10 years. This is the first time we’ve been to AnimeNEXT since 2010 after the convention moved from the Meadowlands Exposition Center in Secaucus, NJ to Garden State Exhibit Center in Somerset, NJ it was a little difficult to get to being further in NJ but we made it 2 times out there before having to stop going all together. Now that the convention is settled in Atlantic City, NJ it’s easier to get to from NYC and more convenient to travel. I kept up with a few blogs that covered AnimeNEXT just to keep up with all the events happening.

The Atlantic City Convention Center which is really huge might be just as big or bigger than The Javits Center in Manhattan. The Atlantic City Center was so spacious it was amazing to go to a convention where you have elbow room and everyone’s not on top of each other just to move from point A to point B. The panels were great and each room was big enough for almost everyone to get into each panel they wanted to see without worrying about it being too full. The schedule for AnimeNEXT was so full it was really hard to choose what you wanted to see.

This year since Yuri on Ice was so big there was multiple panels and even an autograph session with the creators, if you’re a fan of the series you would have definitely got your fix with all the Yuri on Ice content this weekend. My all time favorite panel is Bad Anime, Bad!! hosted by Brian T. Price was just a great as I remember it from before with the worst animation work ever created and Brian himself is so hilarious that makes the panel fun to sit through. A few other panels we made it to will be getting a post dedicated to them later in the week.

One event that was new to me was the Cosplay Pro Wrestlers, I didn’t know was a thing but it was so entertaining brought back the old WWE memories. They really did body slam and hit each other. Comedian Uncle Yo even got in the ring to have some fun and it was so exciting to watch with the crowd making noise it felt like being at a real WWE event, I really hope AnimeNEXT keeps this event and more participants come out next year.

I did get a lot of photos wish I could have taken more of cosplayers on the floor because there was so many amazing cosplayers that I didn’t get to take a photo of. We did get the chance to get into the Cosplay Masquerade and CAPCOM LIVE! concert, you can go over to Photography to see all the photos I took from AnimeNEXT. The videos from the convention will be on our YouTube Page.

Here’s a few photos from AnimeNEXT

Anime Next 2017

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