Manhwa Artist Spotlight:Why Do You Love Me?
4 of 7 Week Long Series Celebrating Manhwa Artist Wann.

This is one of my favorite manhwa and its on hiatus….for more than 5 or 6 years…no I haven’t given up I have hope for this story to continue I will use my imagination while I wait.

Summary: Anna, sweet, kind, and an angel as Ou Bin described was always being bullied by the Oc Ja Gang to the point where she has to be rested until she recover. Though, there these rumor going around the school that Anna is coming back. Ou Bin, excited about the news rushed to go find her but…what he see is someone else and not the sweet Anna.
There is currently 3 volumes I can’t even find the raws if they did have a volume 4 I would be a happy camper. This story is funny, witty with a splash of violence like any ole school romance book. I enjoy the female lead which is why Wann is one of my favorite artist no matter how much stuff she puts her female characters through they always prevail and there is nothing better than a strong female changing the game.
When this manhwa went on hiatus I only thought she was taking a break for a while but she started a whole new manhwa and I thought maybe she’ll be superwoman and work on two at the same damn time! but I was NAIVE and young. I can only have faith in this story being completed so I can stop thinking about 1 million different ending.
I hope Wann hears my prayers..