Anime NYC 2019 Overview

Welcome to the overview of Anime NYC 2019! Summing up a 3-day convention into words is like the impossible being done. Lizzo and I were accepted to do press coverage for this convention and the excitement was through the roof. We were able to do press coverage the year before, follow this link and you can see our coverage from last year.
There was a lot going on just like every con and this year we decided we were going to be more focused on trying new things we haven’t before and meet more people than we did before. We accomplished our goal this year by meeting new people and getting a few interviews over the weekend. There were a lot more people this year than last and that shows Anime NYC is growing bigger each year.
Where to start is always the hardest part. This past weekend was filled with so much fun and a great adventure to add to the books. Cosplayers were really on their game this weekend, everyone looked great. We were able to stop at a few cosplay meetups to get photos of cosplayers. We stopped by both Cosvoid photoshoots on Friday and Saturday. We captured as much as we could between panels, interviews and trying to enjoy the con because it can’t be all work without a little fun.
One thing we did miss out on this whole weekend was the Masquerade. This is probably our first or second time not covering the Masquerade at a con. The main stage was full to capacity but we got to do other things and meet people and sit in a panel hosted by Waypoint Cafe. If you remember the ADM’s POP-OUT Gallery was held at Waypoint Cafe and we got to meet some of the staff that night.
Another thing I missed out on was taking a selfie in front of the huge Titan mural from AOT for a contest that’s going on until mid-December If you’re in NYC be sure to try and make your way to 31st Steet. I don’t think I’m heading into manhattan anytime soon to catch this contest so I’m just passing along the message hoping you’ll win the prizes.
Anime NYC has been going strong the past 2 years and it’ll continue to grow. We enjoyed our time there meeting new people and the many little events going on within the con. This is our last con of the year as we wind down and work on our list for next year con season. One of the main reasons we love going to cons is the experience each one gives us, each con is different so each one has memories we’ll never forget.