Steve Conte Panel at J1-Con 2018


I was able to see Steve Conte at J1-Con but it was not what I expected. Steve Conte is an American musician, music producer, guitarist, songwriter, and the lead singer of his own band: Steve Conte NYC. I was hoping to see a concert and here some of his music but, it turned out to be a Q & A panel. It was a very intimate setting and I was able to learn a lot about him and his career.
As I mentioned previously in my other post Steve Conte at J1-Con 2018, he worked with Yoko Kanno on the soundtrack to Wolf’s Rain. I was hoping to see him perform but, it was still an interesting panel and I learned about how he started his career to where he is now.
Steve Conte has worked with many people throughout his career. He also has his own band. Most of his success began after working with Yoko Kanno. Steve Conte never knew how much of an impact singing on a anime soundtrack would be for his career.
During the panel, the audience was able to ask questions. He explained how he came to work with Yoko Kanno.  Then he even played a sample from his current project that he was working on for a commercial.

To see the panel Q & A click the link below:

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