1. Introduce yourself?
My name is TrayVeon D. Martin I am from Detroit,MI ..I am 19. I stay in Atlanta. I am a student at American Intercontinental University. I am majoring in Media Production and I am aspiring to be a entrepreneur.

2. How long have you produced (composed)? And how did your journey begin?
I’ve been a music producer for almost a year. I have grown much since I first started making beats.

3. When making beats, do you have particular artist in mind or is your process different?
Usually when I make beats. I listen to a artists music and grab a concept from listening to the beat. Being a producer you have to stay creative at all times..even be innovative if so.

4. Name three artist whom you would love to produce/work for?
artist I would love to work for would be Wiz Khalifa , Kendrick Lamar, and Young Thug.

5. Who are some of your influences?
My main influence is CardoGotWings…Him and Wiz Khalifa did a song in 2010 called mesmerized. I was in the 8Thick grade but that song. Stuck out to me. The beat was just sick and the melody was perfect. TM88, Dr.Dre, LondonOnTheTrack are also people who inspire me to be a producer.

6. In your own words, what is the role of a producer in the record industry?
The role of a producer can be many things. The producer is the driver of the song. He should also be able to write, engineering, rap and maybe even sing in my opinion. But above all the producer should be able to make a dope beat. Period!!

7. Acoustic or Digital Instruments. Do you have a preference?
I do not have any digital instruments but I do have favorite VSTs such as Sylnth , Nexus 2 and ElectraX. I also play The drums.

8.  Hardware or Software? Which Daw(s) are you using? if any
The DAW I use is none other than FLStudios. I love FL studios. It does everything I need it to do. I’m currently learning Pro Tools in school also.

9. Professionally, What are you goals? And where do you see yourself in five years?
My main goal is be an entrepreneur. Own record company’s, my own distribution company. Own restaurants,airports, and any other endeavor I can go into. I want to own and give back to others who need help on the come up.
In 5 years I see my self graduated from college and being a producer for a record company. But also being able to do my own independent work.

Tray, Thanks for rocking with us.  Best wishes with school and chasing your dreams. Hope you get everything you strive for and much more.  For everyone else, thank you for taking the time to check us out as well.

For more interviews: Check us out at sdent.net

For more from TrayDaCreator, you can find him on Soundcloud – (Link below)


Stay blessed and have a great week

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