Inspirational Kaleido Star!

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 Kaleido Star is another one of my favorite anime series that I will be answering my seven questions for. Just like my previous post, Seven Deadly Sins. If you have not seen this anime, Why not? it is so good. I can say I watched this anime more than 4 times, I love the story-line the characters and everything about it.

The story is about Sora and her trials and tribulations in following her dream of becoming a Kaleido Star. Sora was inspired to become a Kaleido Star after seeing the production of Alice In Wonderland, as a young child with her parents. Sora’s parents passed away when she was very young and she was raised by her aunt and uncle. Sora arrived in America to audition to become a Kaleido Star. Sora encounters the Fool and the Spirit of the stage who guides her to her dream to become the next Kaleido Star.

  1. My favorite main character?
Image result for sora kaleido star

My favorite character is Sora, she is so bubbly and friendly. She always there to help out her friends. Sora works hard at the Kaleido stage to become a great star and perform on stage with the legendary Layla Hamilton. Sora is a very inspiring character by the way she strives for her dream.

2. My favorite support character?

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My favorite support character has to be Layla Hamilton. She helped Sora achieve her dream to work at the Kaleido Stage. Her costumes are amazing, She was one of my favorite performers in the series next to Sora. When Sora and Layla performed together with the legendary move the Phoenix it was truly beautiful and inspirational.

3. My favorite two characters to ship?

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The Ship I wanted that never happened. I wanted to see Sora go with Leon Oswald and it never happened. Their chemistry on the stage was so strong when they performed together. I was really hoping they got together. If the series ever continued I believe they would make an amazing pair.

4.My favorite opening song?

This has to be my top favorite anime opening songs. I have replayed this song countless times. The song is Tattoo Kiss by r.o.r/s I get excited every time I hear the song play. This is a really good song and I still have it on my playlist.

5. My favorite ending song?

I like the third season-ending song. The song is Escape by r.o.r/s it is a very nice song. I enjoyed listening to r.o.r/s the band and started listening to their music. They also did the opening song for season 3 which I also love to listen to.

6. My favorite scene?

My favorite scene in Kaleido Star would be The Legendary Great Maneuver performance between Layla Hamilton and Sora. It was the most beautiful and magnificent move they performed together. It looked like they were both soaring through the sky flying like two faeries. I would have to say this was my favorite scene in the series next to the Legendary Phoenix.

7. The most notable thing about the anime?

The most notable thing about this anime is the inspiration you get from the main character Sora to believe in yourself. Sora inspired me to believe that anyone can achieve the impossible as long as you believe in your self. Sora believed that she could achieve in becoming a star on the Kaleido Stage and become a great performer.

This anime is truly inspirational. I enjoy watching this anime and it is a very good series to watch. I will definitely watch this series again. I hope that in the future they continue this series because I totally would love to see Sora get together with Leon.


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