BlerdCon 2019: J-Fashion Show

The fashion show of the weekend hosted by DC Kawaii Style. The fashion show consisted of 4 designers that have been inspired by the fashion culture of Japan. There were many different styles on stage and all of them were amazing, you knew which style was the inspiration if you’re familiar with Japanese fashion. The fashion show was about an hour long and filled with vibrant colors and black. The designers were really amazing with their pieces for the show.
“DC KawaiiStyle is a kawaii community created to introduce and promote the philosophy of kawaii (cute) culture as a fun, happy, positive lifestyle alternative to residents in the DC area and abroad.” This is the description from their facebook page that nails it on the head. I love their main goal for the community they started. “Our goal is to become a creative resource for youth, adults, and kawaii communities worldwide while exploring personal development, community involvement and creative empowerment for all ages through engaging Harajuku Fashion Walks / Lifestyle Events / Culture Meet-Ups”. Creating something from the ground up is hard work and then using it as a platform to uplift others makes it even more special.

The creativity was through the roof, the pieces and styles created a positive environment. The host of the fashion show was Kawaii Fashion Model Cola Nash. She donned a creation of her own that was very cute and unique to her personality on stage. There were 4 designers on stage showcasing their designs and dedication to the lifestyle. I enjoyed the fashion show because it was different from what I usually saw at any other fashion show I’ve attended in and out of conventions. I hope the young kids that sat in for the show see the celebration of individuality and expressive creativity as a way to be themselves.
The 4 fashion lines that were featured in this fashion show were Kawaii Carnival, A.Gato Designs, Un-Re Designs, and Nobel Ghost Fashion. A few of the designers modeled their own line and each and every piece was so beautiful. I love pastel colors and dark colors as well and my wardrobe is just a mesh of this fashion show. I will be supporting these lines for a few pieces I would like to see in my closet. The one thing I do love about these lines is that they all have plus size clothing and it looks like it fits the models well too.
Below are the photos from the fashion show