Beyond Bebop: Japanese Jazz (Panel)

japanese women - japanese men - band - music
Yoko Kanno and The Seatbelt (Courtesy of farm4.static)

At this point, in my blogging life, I think I’ve made my love for music and animation pretty clear. So anytime, they come together and further enhance each other story, I’m utterly excited.  I’ve been going to conventions for many years now and I have been seeing an influx of panels that combine these different narratives. During Anime NYC, I had the pleasure of attending two.  In this particular post, I will be focusing on Beyond Bebop: Japanese Jazz.

Hosted by Eli Ahnebb, Beyond Bebop: Japanese Jazz Panel takes us (the attendees) on a journey through time.  Eli presentation consists of a song from notable composers such as Yoko Kanno and Ryuichi Sakamoto to Toshiko Akiyoshi, who played alongside Duke Ellington.  There more recent musicians, like Takuya Kuroda.  Putting the tall in terms of years, spanning from the 1950s to 2016.  In the short time of the panel, we are able to see progress in the art form.  How samples and influence can be seen in modern mainstream music.

It’s safe to say, I found a few acts that I plan to look into in the near future.  For those of you who are curious, about the songs and musicians showcased. I’ll  post a link below from Eli’s Youtube Channel.

As per usual, check them out and let me know what you think.



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