IMG_0911While at AnimeNEXT, Drea and I, attended the AIMI concert. AIMI is Japanese musician from Okinawa Japan. She’s been active since her debut in 2008 with Stereopony and later formed ALiCE IN UNDERGROUND. In 2016, AIMI  began her solo career as a singer-songwriter. Aimi has also found success as a model.IMG_1009 I want to start off by saying Aimi looked fly.  The punk rock aesthetic is something that I can appreciate because I like my Rock acts to have a little grit to them.  To my surprise, some of the songs she performed had an edge to them.

The setlist was nice. There were quite a few bops, more importantly, there were a few songs that I would consider adding into my weekly rotation.  I’d need to comb through some of her projects to figure out what is what. but I definitely enjoyed what blessed my ears on that Sunday afternoon.

IMG_0901This woman really has a lovely singing voice and the guitar skills to rival that.  Stage presence was solid as hell, grabbing your attention the entire time which is saying alott because she wasn’t the only person on stage.

Aimi’s instrument of choice: The Red Fender Telecaster is a statement

All in all, I had a dope ass time.  I hope it was as memorable for her as it was for me.

Are you a fan of Aimi?

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