Anime NYC 2018: Japanese Singer nano!
nano is a Japanese American singer born in New York City. nano sings in both the Japanese and English language and started her music career as a cover artist posting recorded renditions online. Her covers consisted of songs from Vocaloid artist, anime and Avril Lavigne, she also sung English covers for many Japanese songs.
nano gained success from her videos and later signed to a Japanese record label, her debut album Nanoir released in 2012. Throughout her career, nano has written original theme songs for a few anime series like Hidan no Aria, Phi Brain: Puzzle of God and Magical girl Girl Raising Project, just to name a few of her works.
nano now has 4 studio albums under her belt, establishing herself an accomplished artist. She really has come a long way from posting cover videos and her success is something to inspire others to never give up on what you strive to do.
nano’s Vocaloid Cover (English Version)
nano will be performing during the Anisong World Matsuri which is a 2-day concert series at Anime NYC. The concert series will be held in the Hammerstein Ballroom, a few blocks down from the Jacob Javits Center. Tickets for this event have to be purchased separately from the convention tickets. You can purchase your concert, convention or merchandise tickets here
nano’s performance is on Day 1 of the Concert Series on Friday, November 16th at the Hammerstein Ballroom. Check out nano’s music and hopefully, you like what you hear and join her set at Anisong World Matsuri!
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Anime NYC
Nano’s Website
That’s going to be sooo cool!