SwaggyCosplayer: I’ve Always Been a Nerd
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SwaggyCosplayer is a cosplayer from Ohio, that I’ve been following for about a year. The best way to describe his cosplay style is: walking nostalgia. He’s given us Popeye, Taz and Darkwing Duck to name a few. With each new cosplay, we get a little glimpse into his colorful world. I love how he puts his own spin on every fit and think you’d love it too.
Here is my interview with SwaggyCosplayer.
1. How long have you been cosplaying and how did you get into it?
Swaggy: I’ve been cosplay a little over 2 years now and reason I got into it is I’ve always been a nerd, I went to my first con in 2016, saw everyone dressed up and was like yeah, I could do this!!
2. What was your first cosplay?
Swaggy: Tai from Digimon
3.Why do you cosplay?
Swaggy: It’s fun! I enjoy it all and enjoy doing my own take on characters
4. What is your ultimate dream cosplay?
Swaggy: Wargreymon from Digimon and Zero from MegaMan X
5: What is the most memorable moment as a cosplayer?
Swaggy: The time I got to take a picture as kid flash with this families baby and the baby was just smiling the whole time!

6. What makes you choose to cosplay a certain character?
Swaggy: How well I can cosplay the character and how much I like the character really; if I don’t like the character chances are I won’t enjoy the cosplay
7. Why do you think Cosplay has become so popular in recent years?
Swaggy: Social media has changed the game, people getting the chance to be seen more around the world now makes it popular
8. Do you feel that cosplaying can have a positive effect on someone’s mental health?
Swaggy: Yes of course, meeting others that appreciate your work or others similar to your state of mind is very beneficial in improving ones own mental health…chances are you make decent enough friends in doing this
9. If given the option, what is something that you would change about the cosplay
Swaggy: The status quo that others are better than others because they can pay for better stuff or are more attractive, that gotta stop…talent has to beat out looks or money, not fair to witness talented individuals passed over
10. What is something you’ve learned about yourself since you started cosplaying?
Swaggy: How much patience I truly have to deal with people and crafting lol
This or that?
Digimon or Pokemon?
Digimon all day!!
Ninja or Pirates?
Ninja… aka ninja turtles
Big Party vs Small Gathering?
Big party, c’mon the name is swaggy lol
Fire or Ice?
Cartoon Network or Nickelodeon?
Tough one…might have to say Nickelodeon only cause even now I still watch if
Teleportation or mind reading?
Zombies or robots?
Beer or vodka?
Vodka…ciroc boy!!