SketchPads: Live Art & Music Session @ Anime NYC 2022

KD Foxx and Substantial at SketchPad Panel Anime NYC 2022

On Friday evening,  We attended SketchPads: Live Art & Music Session while at Anime NYC 2022. Hosted by Substantial and KDFoxx. Essentially, this panel was a kickback session.  Inspired by Stan’s time in art school, where he attended draw-a- thons parties with fellow art school students.  Stan and KD have hosted similar events online and thought it would be a great idea to bring it to Anime NYC. Audience members were encouraged to draw along with them.  And we did! 

Sketch from KD Foxx's Animal Arithmetic at the SketchPad:  Live Art & Music Session

This panel featured a live demo of KDFoxx drawing a character from Animal Arithmetic.  Animal Arithmetic is a project by KDFoxx featuring an original music score by Substantial.  Ironic enough, the music played during the panel was also all composed by Substantial. And they were all dope and set the tone of the session so well. Half way through the panel, a cosplayer by the name of @TheBlackBobRoss modeled for us.  His Black Panther cosplay was stunning and came with lights.  

Sketch from KD Foxx's Animal Arithmetic at the SketchPad:  Live Art & Music Session

SketchPads: Live Art & Music Session Vibes

Throughout the panel the floor was opened for questions.  Foxx discussed her process, where and how she finds inspiration.  ID’s Shiro Niwa as one of her biggest inspirations and how he influenced her art style.  I think the biggest gem from this session was to draw with something that inspires you nearby. Because it will translate into your work. 

This panel was sponsored by Clip Studio Paint and partnership in conjunction with an initiative called Bytes & Beats. Clip Studio Paint was even nice enough to donate six membership keys.  I was lucky enough to snag one of the membership keys for myself. I’m excited to see what I’m able to come up with. 

This panel was a whole- vibe. Super Chill and a great way to end the night. Substantial was charming. KD was cool and informative.  Loved the fox mask.  It was very clear that they both loved what they do and it’s contagious. I left that panel feeling great and wanting to do more. It really was an experience and I hope to be able to tap in again.  

Thank you for reading all the way to the end. Stay tuned for more from Anime NYC.

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