This weekend will be filled with a lot of cosplay and many popular cosplayers will be attending J1-Con. I’m excited to take pictures of everyone cosplaying, It’s amazing to see how their hard work pays off thru their cosplay.

Each con I go to cosplay is always my favorite part because there is no limit to their creativity, it’s just taken to the next level. I hope I can catch up with some of these cosplayers over the weekend and waiting to see who they choose to cosplay as this weekend is probably the most exciting for me since they have amazing photos on their sites.

This list below is all the popular cosplayers that will be attending J1-Con.

Gia Sanrio

Mary Jane "MJ" Watson
Gia Sanrio as MJ from Spider-Man

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Ayumi NiNi

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Katie Wraith

Instagram | Twitter


Mae Claire

Mae Claire | Overwatch | D.Va Cosplay
Mae Claire as D.Va from OverWatch

Website | Instagram | IMDB | Facebook



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Kia La Sangria

Facebook | Instagram


Adya Cosplay

Facebook | Instagram


Eric “The Smoke” Moran

Facebook | Twitter | Instagram| IMDB


Robert Franzese (Real Life Peter Griffin)

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Mediocre Wall Of China

Website | Instagram | Facebook


We’ll be posting like crazy on our social media so don’t miss out on seeing J1-Con 2018 through our lens if you’re not going to this con.

Follow our social media below!

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