AnimeNEXT 2019 Expectations



AnimeNEXT is hands down one of my favorite anime cons I visit every year and this year there are some new events happening that I’m very excited to see. The Indie Boardwalk looks like a promising new event this year and from the information, we have we’ll be playing a few indie developers games and that’s the exciting part of the boardwalk. Lizzo also wrote up a post about the indie boardwalk Indie Broadwalk (AnimeNEXT 2019).

My favorite place to visit is artist alley even though I have no room for any more beautiful artwork I will still continue to buy more. I love the dealer room and artist alley just to find things I didn’t know I needed until I laid eyes on it. hopefully this year we can get all the content we’re looking to capture this year and expand on our Youtube channel with this content.

AnimeNEXT is coming bigger and better this time around and we want to capture the essence and share it with the world. One of the absolute best things about AnimeNEXT is all the elbow room we have and I just become overjoyed knowing we don’t have to be packed and all over each other this weekend.

AnimeNEXT is in Atlantic City, New Jersey, Tickets are still on sale you can buy tickets on-site. Hotels in the surrounding area are still available.

We’ll be posting like crazy on our social media so don’t miss out on seeing AnimeNEXT 2019 through our lens if you’re not going to this con.

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