ALL OFF featuring U at AnimeNEXT 2018

ALL OFF is a Japanese rock band based in Toyko. Known for their opening and ending themes for anime such as Mob Psycho 100 and Heavy Object. Founded in 2004, by vocalist so-hey and guitarist Yukio. Other members include Kossy (bassist), Gaku (second guitar) and drummer Otsuki who wasn’t in attendance. U of ROOKiEZ is PUNK’D filled in for him.

The ALL OFF concert was definitely the highlight of my weekend at AnimeNext. So-hey has a lovely singing voice. His interaction with the audience was entertaining. The fact that he was fluent in English made it that much more meaningful.
The rest of the band played to the audience just as well. One of the first things I really noticed was how cool they looked. There was a glow about them and the aura that they emitted was contagious. I really felt something that night. I found myself being pulled in the entire time. Electricity was in the atmosphere.
The audience seemed to return that energy tenfold. They were for a lack of a better word “turnt”. The crowd danced, used light sticks and jumped around with the band. There were quite a few times where I felt the ground shaking. That was due to the jumping but still something that I’ve never encountered before at a concert.

My favorite song performed was In Shadows which was an original track by the band. My second favorite would have to be there rendition of Rewrite by Asian Kung-Fu Generation. This is a song I’ve been fond of for a really long time. A song that got me into listening to J-ROCK. It’s funny how things come full circle. My 3rd choice would have to be In My World.
I was also relieved that they didn’t perform Haruka Katana 遥か彼方 because every J-Rock or Anime cover band I’ve ever seen live does. Don’t get me wrong, I love this song but I’m low-key tired of hearing it in a con setting. But I digress, because this is really a topic for another day, But for those of you who are curious about what was played. I’ve posted the set list below.